Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Burleson Portrait Photographer | {Henderson Family} together

Everyone in the gym was signing up for stuff. A little home decor here, a photo session there...Soon time was up and the silent auction was over.

"And the Adele Photography session goes to the HENDERSON FAMILY!"

I couldn't have been more excited. This was a new and fun family to photograph and I would be able to get to do just that!

Imagine my amazement when, on the way out to the field where we shot, the dad tells me that they have NEVER had their photo as a family ever taken! I about flipped. So cool.

We had such a great time trekking through fields of lavender and blueberries...wait, no. They were thorns. Thorns and burs, ya. Ya, that's it! It took about an hour to get them all off of us after we were done.


And I like it that way.

 Thanks for the memories, Henderson Fam!!

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