Wednesday, July 3, 2013

bundles of sweet baby slobber, pudgie love, and the only thing a baby needs [Emma] baby session

Babies great and small, thin or chunky, bald or fuzzy. Happy, somber, energetic, shy, fussy, entertaining, loud, silent...Babies are a joy.

The innocence, trust, and purest of love comes from these little creatures. No matter our financial standing, our race, our beliefs, or looks. The only thing a baby wants. needs. craves. is love.

I'm pretty sure this angel baby gets a lot of it, because the sweetness that exuded from each and every pore of her being was pure bliss and happiness.

Say hi to four month old, Emma Rayne :)


  1. Oh my stars!! Could this Grammie and Grampie be any more over the moon with this gorgeous baby girl?!?!
    Loved this!!
    Love that sweet open mouth look of wonder!!
    Love that droopy eye that disappears when she laughs!!
    I want to meet her in person!!!

  2. There are so beautiful Tori! I love them! You are so talented!

  3. Beautiful photos of some beautiful people! What a happy little baby she is and I know she makes her grandparents happy!

  4. Just now seeing all these sweet comments! thank you, ladies! She was incredibly adorable and p h o t o g e n i c. :)
