Another call 15 min later, "whenever you know how far along she is, let me know! I'll be on my way" I said, excitedly.
I got a text about 20 minutes later. "we're here. She is a 9cm."
What!?! How did that happen, she was so quiet. So peaceful. So calm on the other end of the line.
I threw on my clothes, grabbed my bag and was out the door, headed for Downtown, Fort Worth.
Sitting at the light on Rosedale and Misteltoe, I got the text, "baby's here!"
"NOOOOO!!!" I yelled, my fist hitting the steering wheel in protest.
Red...Green. Go.
I pulled in front of the center less than a minute later, ran in and to the right, up the stairs.
There I found Mama and Baby Kinley, snuggling in the bathtub. Baby breathing in the cool air and crying out for all of those waiting to hear that she had arrived.
Mama had labored peacefully through the night in bed and came to the center with daddy to meet their baby in the water.She was precious and new and sweet, all wrapped up in love and waiting to behold the World...
So glad to have seen your story's first beginnings, baby Kinley.
:) Tori
Gosh! I love how you make every birth a great story. Cute family, great pics. :)