Anyone who knows me, knows I'm a little more than obsessed with the topic of birth. I love everything about it, the excitement leading up to it, and the warm newborn fuzzies afterward.
Back in September, I was doing a little thinking and a whole lot of praying. God has blessed in so many ways. To even have the opportunity to use this camera for anything other than my own family was an unexpected gift. But after a bit of a hiatus shortly after the birth of my daughter in Feb '12, the business wasn't doing so hot. I had been mothering my newborn (which is exactly where I needed and wanted to be) and Adele Photography was basically sitting out on the sun deck (if I had one) sipping lemonade and reading every issue of BHG from the year 2011.
I needed a sign. And I honestly didn't mind whether it said, "Stop" or "Go". Just to be told what to do by The One Who knew best was more than enough for me.
While on a trip to Virginia to visit my extended family, I received a standard email (along with other photogs) from the Tarrant County Birth Network, asking if I would be interested in having my work featured on the front of the new DFW Birth & Beyond Resource Guide. I was super pumped about it, but knew that many other more than qualified photographer's would probably jump at the chance to be on the cover. So I waited. And prayed. I received another email. And I waited. And prayed again.
I waited two whole days.
Then I called and said, "YES!"
This beautiful couple happily agreed to be a help to us by lending us their sweet bump ;) and we shot the night away around the downtown area of the great city of Fort Worth, Texas.
Fast forward to January 2013, and we have the resource guide with my first work in print!! So excited for what the future holds for us as we enter into this new year full of promise and clean pages!
Props to Yvette from Paradigm Creative Studio for the beautiful ad for my business in the front of the Resource Guide, to Hannah Reasoner from Intuitive Mothering and all the other rad chapter leaders at Tarrant County Birth Network. Also to Vlad, Danielle, & babe, for putting the frosting on the cake!
So blessed to be a part of something so big, it's literally changing lives and taking the nation by storm.